Fate of RBC/ fate of Haemoglobin

Fate of RBC/ fate of Haemoglobin   

As RBC is mature and aged, the metabolic system of the RBC become progressively less active and the cell become more fragile. Many of the RBC are self destroyed in the spleen where they squeeze through the red pulp of the spleen.

As the erythrocyte are destroyed the iron containing moiety of hemoglobin is conserved and the pigmentary part is converted into bile pigment. Hemoglobin is phagocytosis by macrophage in many part of the body (kupffer cell in liver, macrophage of spleen and bone marrow). It release iron and prophyrin portion.
 The propyrin portion of  Hb is converted into biliverdin. The biliverdin is converted into bilirubin. It is transported by albumin to the liver where it undergoes conjugation with glucuronyl transferase thus forming conjugated bilirubin. The conjugated bilirubin is passed into the duodenum through hepato-pancreatic ducts.
The microbial fermentation of bilirubin convert it into stercobilinogen and urobilinogen. The urobilinogen is again absorbs in blood and is excreted from urine as urobilin. The stercobilinogen is excreted from feces as stercobilin.

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